Building and Development

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General Information

A Development Permit is required for any form of development within the RM of McKillop. Please note that the approval process typically takes 2-3 weeks. Should you have any further inquiries, please contact our office or reach out directly to our Development Officer at Additionally, please be aware that any extra building inspections, beyond your initial Building Permit fee, will incur additional charges.

There may also be Planning fees associated with your development. Planning is focused on "Land Use"; for example, a subdivision will require a review by a professional planner. The RM does not have a planner on staff, and thus, these services are contracted out. The developer and/or landowner will be invoiced for these fees, which range from $150 to $200 per hour, with more complex developments resulting in higher costs.

Important Notice to Buyers

BUYER BEWARE – Ensure that the previous owner provides all inspection reports related to your property at the time of purchase. When construction is reported on a property by the Bylaw Enforcement Officer or Building Official, the RM reviews its records to determine if a permit was submitted and approved. If structures were built without an approved permit, the current owner will be required to submit a Development and Building Permit. As the buyer and current property owner, you will be responsible for these costs.

Please Note: As outlined in Part 4, Section 16, Subsections 9 & 10 of the Construction Codes Act, unpaid permit fees may be transferred to your property taxes. All building requirements remain with the land and are the responsibility of the current titleholder.

Development and Building Permits

A Development Permit (required to ensure that any construction complies with the RM of McKillop Zoning Bylaw) must first be approved by the Development Officer. Once approval is granted for development, a Building Permit application must be submitted and approved before construction can commence.

The UBAS Act has been replaced with the Construction Code Act, effective January 1, 2022. The RM of McKillop is now required by law to administer and enforce the Provincial Government's new Construction Code Act. 

Permit Application Guidelines

  • Electronic Submission: Development and Building Permit applications and all required documents should ideally be submitted electronically. If electronic submission is not possible, they may be brought to or mailed to the RM office. Please ensure all required documents are included with your submission to avoid immediate rejection.
  • Geotechnical Report: In accordance with Section 9.2 of the Building Bylaw #297-2018, a geotechnical report must be submitted with any building permit application involving ground disturbance within 411.5 meters (1350 feet) of a water body or waterway. The report should be prepared by a registered engineer and be dated and signed within 12 months of the building permit application submission. A site-specific geotechnical report should encompass all current and future structures to avoid additional costs for future builds. The report must also include elevation requirements.

Permit Expiry and Extensions

  • Development Permits: Expire if development has not commenced within 6 months from the approval date.
  • Building Permits: Can only be issued once a Development Permit has been approved. Building permits will expire if:
    • Work does not commence within 6 months from the approval date.
    • The permit has not been acted upon for a period of 48 months.
    • Work is suspended for a period of six months or more, unless a written agreement has been made with the local authority for an extended suspension.

Extensions may be granted with approval from the Development Officer.

Building Permit Requirements

  • Structures Under 108 ft²:

    • Development Permit is required, but no Development Fee will apply.
    • Building Permit is not required.
  • Structures 108 ft² and Over: Require both a Development Permit and a Building Permit.

  • Garages Without a Principal Dwelling: A garage may be built on a property without a permanent principal dwelling, provided a $5,000 deposit is paid to the RM. This ensures that a principal dwelling will be constructed within 5 years of the garage's construction. Development and Building Permits for the principal dwelling must be obtained within 5 years, or the deposit will be forfeited.

  • Sheds (Accessory Buildings): One shed up to 150 ft² is allowed on a lot without a permanent primary residence. A Development Permit is required for any shed. A Building Permit is required for sheds over 108 ft².

  • Minor Variance Requests: Developers can request a minor variance of up to 10% through a Variance Request Application, which must be approved by the Development Officer.

  • Surveyor’s Real Property Report: A report from a surveyor must be submitted once the foundation of the building is complete.

Lakeshore Development

No one owns the waterfront or beaches, they are all Crown land and as such require permits and licenses for development. For more information please see the following link:

SK Ministry of Affairs - Lakeshore Development