Weed Control

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Weed Control is an important aspect of rural life.  The RM of McKillop assists it's farmers and landowners with the eradication and control of designated Prohibited and Noxious weeds.

All farmers and landowners must contact the RM within 5 days of prohibited/noxious weeds being detected on their land.  The Weed Inspector will aid the landowner in devising a plan to eradicate or control the weeds.  All Farmers and Landowners are eligible for a rebate of up to 50% of the cost and application of pre-approved herbicides through the Canadian Agriculture Partnership - Invasive Plant Control Program that is administered by SARM.

A Herbicide Application Record must be completed for each treatment. And a claim form for each Prohibited or Noxious weed must also be completed.  The Herbicide Application Record and Claim forms must be submitted to the RM administration along with the pre-approved herbicide invoices by October 1st of each year.  The RM will then compile all forms and records and submit them to SARM for the CAP-IPCP rebate.

Herbicide Application Record

Noxious Weed Claim Form

Prohibited Weed Claim Form

You can find the designated Prohibited and Noxious weeds as well as the pre-approved herbicides in Schedule "A" of the CAP-IPCP Guidelines.

For more information about the SARM CAP-IPCP program or weed control, contact our office or:

Joanne Kwasnicki PAg 

Plant Health Officer - SARM Division 2


