Unorganized Hamlets

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The RM of McKillop has 11 Unorganized Hamlets that are located along the east shore of Last Mountain Lake. These hamlets include: Shore acres, Sundale Resort, Heritage Valley, Sunset Resort, Shoreline, Clearview Resort, Flavel Beach, Green Acres, Maple Grove and Belmont Beach. Please see below for information related to these communities.

Please Note: Council Has Passed A New Bylaw Allowing Trailers For Principle Use Without A Residence As Long As A Permit Has Been Acquired. Previously, There Had To Be A Cabin, House, RTM Or Modular Home On The Property Before A Camper Could Be Used.  At No Time Can There Be Multiple Campers On A Property.  Please Make Alternate Arrangements For Multiple Campers.  

The Annual Permit Is $250 Plus An Annual Garbage Fee Of $250

Please Click On Our New Trailer Bylaw And Permit Application:

Trailer Permit And Fee Bylaw 427-2022

Provincial Association Of Resort Communities of Saskatchewan (PARC) Is An Independent Association That Supports And Represents The Interests Of Cottage Communities Of Saskatchewan. Their Vision Is To Be The Voice Of Action For Strengthening And Supporting The Cottage Way Of Life In Saskatchewan. Please See The Following Updates From PARCS

Mar. 8/22


Mar. 20/22

May 3/22

May 4/22

June 12, 2022

Unorganized Hamlets and other Bin Schedules

Shore Acres Garbage

Shore Acres Recycling

Belmont Beach Garbage

Clearview Resort & Shoreline Garbage

Flavel Beach Garbage

Gibbs Beach Garbage

Green Acres Garbage

Green Acres Recycling

Heritage Valley Garbage

Heritage Valley Recycling   

Maple Grove Garbage

Sun Dale Resort Garbage

Sun Dale Resort Recycling

Sunset Resort Garbage

Sunset Resort Recycling