Becoming a Candidate

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Running as a Candidate & Candidate Eligibility

You are eligible to run for council and for nomination if you are:

  •  at least 18 years old on election day

  • a Canadian citizen

  • a Saskatchewan resident for the past six months;

  • not disqualified from being nominated by The Local Government Elections Act, January 2024 (LGEA) or any other Act; and

  • are eligible to vote in the rural municipality.

Candidates require two voters to sign their nomination paper. If a candidate is running as a councillor, the nominators must be eligible to vote in the division the candidate wishes to represent. The candidate's nomination paper must be duly completed, signed, and accompanied by the candidate's signed acceptance.  Effective January 1st, 2020 the Public Disclosure Statement is required with nomination forms. 

Nomination forms and Public Disclosure Statement Forms are available and can be picked up at the RM office, 103 Ashley Str. Bulyea, Sk. business hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm. or click on the links below:

Nomination Forms and Information

More Information Can Be Found In The Election Guide For Saskatchewan Municipalities.